Forthcoming Events
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From the Winterslow Parish Magazine Magazine Editor

Hi Everyone.

There are a couple vacancies for deliverers of the magazine - one in Lopcombe Corner and one for delivering around Saxon Leas. If you are interested please get in touch with me a n d I can give you more information. This is not an onerous task, the magazines are delivered to you in readiness, but you do, on occasions, have to be weatherproof!

Some of you know l am the coordinator for Link, which is an honour and I am grateful to the committee for their trust in me. The committee has recruited me, which is great, but it would be good to have one or two other members join to bring their experiences and time (4 meetings a year) and to carry the Link charity forward.

If you are interested please contact the Chairperson Anya on 01722 712884 for more information.

(Please note change of phone number for Link)

My fingers are crossed for a bit of an Indian summer. I still have some more work to do in the garden and I w0uld like to get it finished, or at least ready for winter. I have had a lot of work done in the back and am ready to get planting (always good as I visit garden centres and have lunch of course), but it is the anticipation of a colourful garden next year that inspires me, plus of course Monty Don. I have got lots of bulbs to put in too, which means I will get early colour, which is great.

Hope all is well with you and take care in whatever you plan to do this month. I have to mention that I haven't seen the Forthcoming Events page so full for a long time!! Great Stuff and enjoy.


Advance Notice

Just to reminder to all the contributors to the magazine that the deadline for January's issue is earlier due to the printers being closed over Christmas and New Year. The date will be the Friday 8th December.

See the latest Forthcoming Events diary in the Documents Notices section.

Posted 28th September 2023

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