Clubs and Groups
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Salisbury Wildflife Group

The Salisbury Wildlife Group is part of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, having been originally established with funding from the former Salisbury District Council.

For more information, visit the Salisbury Wildlife Group website.

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Time & Talents

Winterslow has a wide range of groups, clubs, organizations which put on fantastic opportunities for residents to engage in, within the parish and beyond, and all run by volunteers. 

Time and Talents was set up to highlight these groups etc so that they can tap into the wide and various talents that people have such as IT experience, bookkeeping (to name but two) which could benefit the groups moving forward. 

In order to celebrate our enriched community a working group was established, following two preliminary meetings, in December 2023, at the heartbeat of Winterslow, the Village Hall, attended by representatives from the broad spectrum of organizations and clubs. This working group coordinated the project entitled Time & Talents, the aim of which was to produce a Booklet containing a comprehensive list of all the opportunities for parishioners to engage in, highlighted by personalised entries from all those subscribing. This Booklet was delivered to all households in late March 2024, followed by an event at the Village Hall on 13th April.

So if you have the TIME and are looking for details about the broad spectrum of activities or you have a TALENT, which could be home based such as admin support, legal advice, IT expertise etc. or indeed more hands on, which could be used to provide support, for as little as a few hours per month, then the "Booklet” will give you all the information you need to help you make a decision about how to get involved as a participant or volunteer.

If you want information now about joining a group, volunteering or having your details entered on the Skills Register then go to the Village Hall Website Time and Talents page, or contact Clive Broadly Clive Broadley at

To paraphrase JFK -

Ask not what your community can do for you - ask what you can do for your community.

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Winterslow Book Hub

The Hub is open at the Recreation Ground Pavilion Monday afternoon each week from 2 to 4 pm. All are welcome to peruse our extensive stock of books and take time to socialise whilst partaking of a drink and piece of cake.

Contact Janet Fry for further details on 01980 862202.

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Winterslow & District Horticultural Society

For more information, visit our website:

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Winterslow & District Social Club

You may contact Winterslow & District Social Club using our Contact Form.

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Winterslow Eco Church

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Eco church News

Having achieved our Bronze award from A Rocha last year, we are now working towards gaining a Silver award. In order to do so, we have had to work out the carbon footprint of both All Saints and St John’s churches. Next steps include exploring ways of using environmentally friendly tariffs for heating and lighting our buildings.

In terms of local wildlife, we have received a detailed report of wildlife in the main churchyard. We will incorporate the findings in an attempt to improve diversity throughout the year. This may include replacing the felled ash trees with other trees offering a similar habitat, wildflower planting and creating a pond. The Eco church has purchased four house martin boxes and commissioned the Men’s shed to build four tawny owl boxes. These will be sited around the churchyard and local area.

We have also contacted Wiltshire Wildlife, to look into mapping the village and surrounding areas with a view to developing wildlife corridors.

Recently we were delighted to welcome Dr Leif Bersweden back to Winterslow. Having lived in the rectory for many years, Leif knows the local area very well and he was happy to lead church members on a wildlife walk. This proved to be informative and entertaining, especially when he incorporated folklore and facts. We now know to put Broadleaf Plantain in our shoes if we develop blisters whilst walking!

Leif is currently writing his third book and he hopes to return to Winterslow next year to give a presentation in the village hall.

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Winterslow Friendship Day Centre - 'Tuesday Club'

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The Tuesday Club has welcomed retired members for over 25 years. We offer friendship, support, entertainment and activities to people in Winterslow and the surrounding villages.

Free transport can be arranged for those who live in the immediate area, courtesy of our volunteers. The Club is suitable for people who are mobile and do not require personal care.

Every Tuesday we welcome our members with a coffee or tea, plus biscuits. We have a wonderful cook who provides us with a delicious two course meal at lunchtime. We finish the day with afternoon tea and perhaps a slice of birthday cake!

Activities are varied and include indoor golf, curling, sit-down Tai-Chi or Pilates as well as quizzes, bingo, Play Your Cards Right plus seasonal games.

We take advantage of the sunny weather by sitting outside and surveying the lovely view.

We enjoy a weekly raffle for which we ask members to bring a small item.

Location: 10am- 3pm @ Barry’s Field, Winterslow, SP5 1RL.

Cost per session is £15 cash or BACS payments accepted.

Organiser 07907 140117

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Winterslow and Firsdown WI

For more information, visit

Enquiries to:

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Winterslow Flower Club

For more information, visit our website:

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Winterslow Land and Allotment Charity

The Winterslow Land and Allotment Charity was set up in the 1700's and originally call the Poorfolks Charity. The aim was to provide villagers with land they could use for growing produce, as the Land Court took the common land.

Nowadays the Charity can provide grants to Winterslow residents who are in need.

We have a number of allotments in Witt Road, grazing land, a parcel of land in Farley, which is farmed and a rented bungalow in Witt Road. The incomes from these assets are given out in the form of grants.

For more information, contact:

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Winterslow Men's Shed

Create Converse Connect

The Men’s Shed meets on a Thursday morning from 9:30 till 12:00 at the Recreation Ground Pavilion.

The group is open to all gender identities and is looking for new members to join this friendly and informal environment.

The group intends to take on community projects, big and small, and is open to offers of donations of hand and power tools; subject to condition.

For updates on The Men’s Shed go to the Documents Section.

For more information email

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Winterslow Parish Council Health and Wellbeing Group

Winterslow Parish Council has responded to a Southern Area Board project to establish, at parish level, an active group who will look at issues relating specifically to elderly and disabled parishioners, their families and carers. This will have the working title of The Winterslow Health & Welfare Forum.

This group has been networking with other parish groups to identify best practice in terms of existing dedicated activity provision, and how to respond to specific needs, where there is an identified shortfall. An example of the areas for consideration would be the provision of suitable targeted activities for identified groups in the parish and respite care for those giving family or friends support.

The aim is to establish and maintain a group of volunteers that represents the widest spectrum of relevant parish organisations and groups as possible. An initial work, as a first step, has been to identify the current situation and develop a strategy to maximise the opportunities for parishioners in these groups, and their support, to be involved in their chosen activities. In tandem with this will be the development of associated opportunities for carers to take advantage of respite care and/or to take part, if they wished, in parish-based activities.

If you would like to help establish this group and work to enhance the support for our fellow parishioners please contact:

You can also visit the Your Care Your Support Wiltshire.

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Winterslow Reading Group

For more information, visit

Information about the local Mobile Library Service may be found on our Community Services page.

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Winterslow Singers

Ladies and gentlemen the Winterslow singers are a well established group who meet in the Methodist Church on a Thursday evening.

We are on our Summer break at the moment but when we regroup in September, we are looking for new singers. If you enjoy singing and sing Soprano, or Tenor/baritone/bass please come and join us.

We are a friendly group who sing a variety of music aiming to entertain with three concerts a year and give to charities.

Please contact for further information.

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Winterslow Swimming Club

The Club is for families with Children at the Village School, including other children up to the age of 13.

School Staff and their families with children up to the age of 13 and parishioner of the Parish with Children up to the age of 13.

At least one person in the family group must have attended the Pool Safety Course in 2018 or available to attend a future organised course prior to use.

You may contact Club coordinator at

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Winterslow Whist Club

For more information, visit

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Winterslow Women's Group

The Women's Group meet at the Village Hall, in the Committee Room, from 2 to 4pm on the 4th Thursday of each month. As well as the social aspect of the meetings the members dedicate their time to raising funds to support local charities.

You may contact Winterslow Women's Group using our Contact Form.
Parish News

What is happening in the area?

Visit the Parish News page to find out!
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Recycling News

To check recyled waste collections, visit the Wiltshire Council's website.
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Village Hall
Village Shop
Barry's Fields

More information here Winterslow Parish Council Planning image
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